Give a Special gift this christmas

I wish you and your family a joyous festive season filled with the peace and love of Christ, who was manifested on this earth. (1 John 3:8)

As in the past, this festive season, we plan to give gifts and provide snacks to 600 children. Our aim is to share with them the warmth and love of Christ.

Last year, thanks to your generous support, we successfully provided toys, school bags, and various essential items to around 375 children. This act of kindness was a living testament to the scripture, ‘Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth’ (1 John 3:18)

600 smiles 😊 That’s our mission this Christmas as we challenge ourselves to double the number of gifts we provide to the kids. – Mr. Michael Fernandes (Trustee)


  • 1 Toy
  • 1 Snack box


  • 5 Toys
  • 5 Snack Boxes


  • 10 Toys
  • 10 Snack boxes


  • 25 Toys
  • 25 Snack boxes

You can sponsor any number of children

Our UPI ID: karunasadan@sbi

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