The terrible trend of increased unemployment is a result of the pandemic. Certain family members were so depressed they even attempted suicide in some cases. Karuna Sadan stepped in to provide assistance in whatever way it could to lessen their distress.

  • Food distributed to Families in Kurla, Kalina, Ghatkopar & Mahim

  • Food distributed to Orphanages.

  • Distribution of Face Masks.

  • Grocery Kits distributed to families in Goa


Making a Impact:

The pandemic cost Vasant his job as an auto-rickshaw driver. Certain members of his family were compelled to take extreme measures. Help was provided by Karuna Sadan and its partners.

Mukesh Wadhwani (63 yrs), is a survivor who attempted suicide due to family problems was helped. He shared his experience of coming to terms with his business loss.


Nullam pellentesque in ligula sed volutpat. Fusce viverra, dui vitae ornare eleifend, dolor neque maximus massa, luctus elementum dolor urna blandit eros.

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.

Pellentesque at nunc mauris. Ut quis nisi lacinia, rutrum leo sed, rutrum augue. Fusce varius sollicitudin mauris, quis tincidunt lectus bibendum vitae. Nunc posuere blandit elit mattis posuere. Mauris neque massa, sagittis non urna a, ullamcorper commodo nunc.

Maecenas vel convallis quam, non laoreet turpis. Quisque facilisis, felis in tempus imperdiet, sem odio tincidunt purus, vulputate ultrices ligula sapien sed lectus.

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